Sensei deSa

Sensei Manuel deSa began studying Karate while attending the University of Alberta from which he graduated in 1986 with a Bachelor of Arts Special Degree.

In 1990, he met Master Neil Dunnigan and was impressed by not only the style of karate, but the philosophy taught along with it, the method and focus of instruction, and Master Dunnigan’s direct ties to some of the top Okinawan Karate Masters.

In 2008, he asked and was accepted as a student of Grand Master Kiyohide Shinjo of Okinawa, Japan.  In 2009 Sensei deSa was promoted to 6th degree Black Belt (Renshi, Rokudan) by Grand Master Shinjo During a training visit to Japan.  He also holds a 4th degree Black Belt in kobudo (weapons training) under the instruction of Master Gustavo Gondra.

Sensei deSa brings to each class not only an excellent knowledge of Uechi-Ryu karate, gained from regular practice and trips to workshops and competitions around the world, but also many years of experience in working with youth as a child care counselor.


My goal for every student is to help them work towards Black Belt excellence, not only in martial arts, but in life.  By working towards this goal, we create an environment in which each student develops confidence through accomplishing high, but realistic and attainable goals both in and out of school.